Sunday, September 6, 2009

WUSHU Introduced to Maldives

Wushu, Literally means Martial(Wu) Art (Shu) was sucessfully introduced to Republic of Maldives by Sri lanka Wushu Federation ( Initially "Sanshou" will be trained at "Maldives Wushu Federation" ( & later "Taolu" will be trained


Anonymous said...

Why is it called wushu ? and what is it ! is it a type of gymnastics dancing or...?

mahesh727 said...

Wu means combat Shu means art.. So the leteral meaning of Wushu is combat art or martial art. It was originally generated in china & now being practiced in other countries too. It has mainly two dicipline .. 01. Sanshou (Sanda) which is a fighting acording to a set rules & regulations. But it is completely different from MMA. In MMA they fight in the ground also. But in sanda it is a standing combats.. 02. Thaolu which is the acrobatic style of wushu with weapons & bear hand

Anonymous said...

Touche. Sound arguments. Keep up the great effort.

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